All You Need To Know About Pharmacy Technician Programs By State

When it comes to choosing a pharmacy technician program it is very important that you choose one that is located in your own state. This is because there are slightly different requirements in each state for pharmacy technicians that you will need to meet before you can become a qualified pharmacy technician in that area. When looking into pharmacy technician programs by state you will notice that some states have more options than others, while some states do not seem to have any options at all. Remember that on-the-job training, as well as online programs are available if you live in a state with few or no options.

How To Become A State Certified Pharmacy Technician

The first step is to carefully research all of the different pharmacy technician programs that are available. Having a clear idea of what the requirements for being a pharmacy technician are in your state will assist you in finding the most appropriate program for you. Once you have graduated from the program you must take one of the certification exams available, namely either the pharmacy technician certification exam (PTCE) or the exam for the certification of pharmacy technicians (ExCPT), and then register with your state board of pharmacy as a CPhT. The same basic rules apply in most states.

Degrees And Schools

Training is not obligatory in order to become a pharmacy technician in most states but it must be noted that most employers prefer that you do receive training through an accredited program in your state. A training program will allow you to write the certification exam which will improve your chances of being hired. Facilities offering training programs include:Pharmacy Technician Programs By State

  • Community colleges
  • Vocational schools
  • Some hospitals

At the end of you program you will be awarded an associate’s degree, a certificate or a diploma, depending on the school or college that you choose to do your program through.


Classes will consist of theoretical training as well as practical work. Practical work is essential in order to fully grasp the duties that you will be required to perform once you are a fully qualified and certified pharmacy technician. There is no better way to learn than through hands-on training which cannot be entirely replaced by textbook knowledge. According to the following topics will be covered in your pharmacy technician training in most states:

  • Medication names, purposes and dosing
  • Pharmaceutical and medical terminology
  • Medical record keeping
  • Pharmaceutical calculations and techniques
  • Ethics, pharmacy law and protecting patients’ health information

Online Classes And Programs

Studying online can be very convenient for many students, which is why there are several pharmacy technician programs offered online in several different states. However, these programs, while convenient, may not coordinate internships or assist in job placement like on-campus programs. In many cases you will be required to source your own internships in order to gain the necessary practical experience to become a fully qualified pharmacy technician. If, however, you are able to do this, an online program could help you to complete your qualification at a lower cost and in less time than a traditional on-campus program.

Employment Requirements

Although there are no strict requirements for employment, most employers look for the following in a pharmacy technician:

  • A certificate, diploma or associate’s degree from a postsecondary program
  • Previous work experience volunteering as a pharmacy technician
  • Previous work experience operating cash registers
  • Previous work experience working with computers
  • Previous work experience maintaining inventory
  • Certification

Certification is not mandatory in all states but is required in a few. In order to receive certification you must right an exam through the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) or the Institute for the Certification of Pharmacy Technicians.

Example: Requirements To Be A Pharmacy Technician In Washington

The following are requirements for entering a pharmacy technician program in Washington and being employed as such in that state:

  • Be 18 years old
  • Have a high school diploma or GED
  • Complete hands-on training and theory work through a school approved by the pharmacy board
  • Pass a standardized test through the Institute for the Certification of Pharmacy Technicians (ExCPT) or the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB)

Washington State is a good example to use because the requirements here are very similar to those that you will need to meet in most other states as well.

How To Evaluate Schools

There are several criteria based on which you can evaluate pharmacy technician schools:

  • Curricula and focus – a program that will adequately prepare you for certification is better than one that does not
  • Accreditation and regulation – a program that s not accredited represents a waste of your time and your money
  • Class structure and practical experience
  • Graduate success – the number of past students who have successfully completed the program and become certified is a good indication of the quality of the program
  • Tuition and financial aid – if you require aid to study, consider only those schools that offer aid

Example: Approved Schools In Florida

One of the primary requirements that a school must meet is that it is accredited. Let us have a look at the state of Florida as an example here. In Florida the following schools have good reputations. In addition they are properly accredited, making them excellent options for students interested in becoming pharmacy technicians in this state:

  • Florida State College
  • Miami Dade College
  • Brewster Technical Center
  • Osceola Technical Education Center

Once again, attending a school that is not accredited will only be a waste of your time and money as you will not be able to easily become certified.

Pharmacy Technician Job Description

According to pharmacy technicians in most states are responsible for:

  • Preparing prescriptions to be filled
  • Stocking shelves and tracking inventory
  • Submitting claims to insurance companies and verifying coverage
  • Updating patients’ medical profiles with accurate information
  • Making calls to doctors’ offices, patients and insurance companies
  • Answering telephones and helping customers at the counter
  • Working the cash register and handling money
  • Referring questions to the pharmacist
  • Maintaining equipment and supplies

In order to prepare for these tasks it is suggested that you complete one of the many pharmacy technician programs offered in many different states.

List Of Pharmacy Technician Programs By State

Here are your state by state pharmacy technician school options:

  • Alabama: Virginia College, Remington College
  • Arizona: Apollo College, Carrington College, The Bryman School of Arizona, Tucson College
  • Arkansas: Remington College
  • California: American Career College, Carrington College, UEI College, Institute of Technology, Heald College, Everest College, San Joaquin Valley College, High Tech Institute, Western Career College, Santa Barbara Business College
  • Colorado: Everest College, Remington College, National American University, Institute of Business and Medical Careers
  • Florida: Ultimate Medical Academy, Concorde Career Institute, Everest Institute, Keiser Career College, High-Tech Institute, Virginia College, Lincoln Technical Institute
  • Georgia: Virginia College, Everest Institute
  • Hawaii: Argosy University, Heald College
  • Idaho: Apollo College, Carrington College
  • Illinois: Everest College, Northwestern College
  • Kentucky: ATA College, Daymar College
  • Louisiana: Virginia College, Remington College
  • Maryland: TESST College of Technology
  • Massachusetts: Lincoln Technical Institute
  • Michigan: Everest Institute, Dorsey Schools
  • Minnesota: Everest Institute, National American University, Rasmussen College
  • Mississippi: Virginia College
  • Missouri: Allied College, Everest College, National American University
  • Nebraska: Vatterott College
  • Nevada: High Tech Institute
  • New Jersey: Berdan Institute, Everest Institute, Harris School of Business
  • New Mexico: Carrington College, Apollo College
  • North Carolina: Brookstone College
  • Ohio: Everest Institute, , Daymar College, Remington College
  • Oregon: Anthem College, Apollo College, Everest College, Heald College, Carrington College, Pioneer Pacific College
  • Pennsylvania: YTI Career Institute, DPT Business School, Everest Institute, Landsdale School of Business, Lincoln Technical Institute
  • Rhode Island: Lincoln Technical Institute
  • South Carolina: Virginia College
  • South Dakota: National American University
  • Tennessee: Chattanooga College Medical, Daymar Institute, High Tech Institute, South College, Remington College
  • Texas: Southern Career Institute, Southern Career Institute, Virginia College, Everest College, High Tech Institute, National American University Campus, Remington College, South Texas Vocational Technical Institute
  • Utah: Everest College, Eagle Gate College, Provo College
  • Virginia: Everest College
  • Washington: Apollo College, Everest College, Carrington College
  • Wisconsin: Milwaukee Career College
  • Wyoming: Institute of Business and Medical Careers
  • Alberta: CDI Career College
  • British Columbia: CDI Career College, Vancouver Career College

Choosing the school through which you will do your pharmacy technician training is extremely important as this decision could inform and affect the rest of your career in pharmaceuticals. There are a number of pharmacy technician schools by state to consider, but it is important that you only look into those schools that have a good reputation as well as being properly recognized by the state in wh9ich you hope to work as a pharmacy technician in the near future.

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