Tips On How To Write An LPN Resume And Cover Letter

Now that you are a qualified LPN nurse it is time to look for a job. In order to get a job you will need to have an LPN resume. Now, when writing a resume, try and make it as interesting as possible, while at the same time staying carefully within the professional boundaries. There will be many other LPN nurses with virtually identical qualifications to you applying for the same LPN job. Follow these steps, but also make sure that you are making an effort to make your LPN resume stand out.

LPN Resume

There are a few very basic tips that you should keep in mind when writing your LPN resume.

Format: There are two basic formats that you can choose to use when writing your LPN resume. A chronological format is one that emphasizes and lists your word and education in chronological order starting with the most recent items. A functional format emphasizes your accomplishments. The first format is better for new graduates who have never applied for a job before while the second is more suitable for LPNs with a lot of experience. Assuming that you are in the first category, what follows will be related to the first style of LPN resume.

Save your work: It may seem like an obvious thing to do, but the best way to write your LPN resume is on your computer. Make sure that you save your draft of your LPN resume periodically in order not to lose your work. In a word file you will be able to make changes to your LPN resume as you go along. As it is suggested that you revise and rewrite your LPN resume several times before submitting it, this is a very useful feature indeed. Also have a printer on hand to make copies of your resume once you have finished writing it.

Personal information: You should be sure to start your LPN resume by including your personal information at the top of your page. This includes your full name, your address, phone number, and email address. If you have a professional email address that indicates your professional capacity as an LPN. Use that one as it will look better on your resume then if you simply use a Gmail or Yahoo account.

Objective: In your objective you will want to write a few short sentences about who you are and what you want. If you are aware of the mission statement of the facility you are applying at be sure to tailor make your objective statement to fit in with that mission statement. This is the first part of the actual LPN resume that your potential employer will pay attention to, so make sure that you think long and hard about what you are going to write.

Work experience: Next you should include your work experience. As a new LPN you will not have any, except for your clinical training during your LPN program. Include this in your resume, along with details about what you did there, how big the facility was, and what skills you felt that you learned during your time working there. (An experienced LPN will obviously have a lot more to add at this point. If you are reading this as an experienced LPN then be sure to write a list of your work experience in chronological order starting with the most recent work you have done or the most recent job that you have held as an LPN).

Educational Experience And Achievements: In this section you will obviously want to include the school where you studies to be an LPN along with any relevant information about that school. If you achieved any awards or honors while studying at your LPN school or at previous institutions, include these in this section.

LPN Cover Letter

Your LPN cover letter is a very important part of your resume and consequently you want to make sure that it is perfect. It is not always easy to know what to include on your cover letter, so here is some advice for you to follow in this regard:

Firstly in a cover letter, just as in any other letter, you will need to include your address as well as the address as the person or organization that you are sending your cover letter to. The rules for where these must be paced are as follows:

  1. your address on the top right-hand side
  2. the recipient’s address below on the left-hand side

You should then include the following:

  1. A subject line
  2. A salutation (addressing the recipient by name is you know what the name is)
  3. Introduction (where you identify yourself and state your interest in applying for the job)
  4. Body (provide a brief summary of your education and experience – remember that a cover letter should not exceed 1 page)
  5. Conclusion (this is where you ask if it will be possible to meet with the reader for an interview)

The educational information you include will be different to the format used in the actual LPN resume itself. This is because it will be written in paragraph form rather than in bullet point form, which will give you more freedom to elaborate on the main points and highlight important aspects of your educational experience. Discuss your school and give specific details about what qualifications you have achieved. Focus on educational achievements that relate directly to the job as it has been advertised.

The work experience you mention should likewise be directly linked to the job that you are applying for if possible. Discuss it briefly but at the same time make it sound appealing. Make sure that you include the number of years that you have worked in the various jobs you have held as years of experience are often one of the main criteria when hiring new employees.

  • Remain formal throughout.
  • Thank the person who is reading the letter at the conclusion of your letter for the chance to apply for the job.
  • Check your grammar, spelling and punctuation – mistakes in any of these categories will leave a very bad impression with the person reading your LPN cover letter and your LPN resume.
  • Give your contact information so that your request for an interview can be followed up with.

LPN Resume Sample

Here is an LPN resume sample template to help you:

123 Any Street
Any Town, USA 55555
(555) 555-5555
Seeking an LPN position within a progressive medical office setting, offering 10+ years of experience in Certified Nurse’s Assistant / Licensed Practical Nurse positions, along with:

      • Currently enrolled in BSN Program; expect to graduate in XXXX.
      • Strong observation and interpersonal communication skills; Fluent in Italian and Spanish.
      • Advocate for patients rights; strive to understand a patient’s needs and concerns.
      • Hardworking and energetic; flexible; adapt easily to change of environment and work schedule.
      • Maintain critical thinking skills essential to providing competent and dignified patient care.
      • Personable; interface effectively with patients, families, and nursing staff.
      • Proven ability to create a positive working environment that uplifts patients’ spirits.


10+ years of combined experience held at Name of Hospital and Name of Nursing Center:
Licensed Practical Nurse, Name of Hospital, Location date – Present
Nurse’s Assistant, Name of Nursing Center Location date – date
Nurse’s Assistant, Name of Nursing Center, Location date – date
Provide high quality nursing care for patients, with responsibility for:
Oxygen Therapy; Tracheostomy Care; Vital Signs; Wound Care; Nasopharengeal and Oral Suctioning; Intravenous Therapy; Application of Dressings; Insertion of Catheters

      • Follow up with timely and accurate charting procedures and verify prior shift information.
      • Conduct initial assessment of patients upon admission and assist with discharge planning.
      • Report changes in patients’ conditions routinely and when requiring immediate attention.
      • Collect specimens from patients for laboratory testing.
      • Monitor, evaluate and record food and liquid intake and output levels.
      • Orientate of new personnel in areas of patient care, medical practices and procedures.
      • Operate equipment and assistive devices to safely transfer patients dispensing of medications.


Currently enrolled in Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program
Expected Date of Graduation: XXXX
Licensed Practical Nurse Program
Certificate of Completion, Date


XXXX State Licensed Practical Nurse, Date
XXXX State Certified Nursing Assistant, Date
CPR Certified for Adults and Children

This is a very basic LPN resume sample, and it would be wise for you to carefully tailor it to fit both your qualifications and the job that you are applying for. Don’t rush when writing your resume. Think about everything carefully. Look at a few different LPN resume samples online to see what your different formatting options are. Rewrite your resume as many times as it takes to make you completely happy and comfortable with it. Your LPN resume is your first impression, after all, and first impressions count a lot more than anything else in some cases.

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