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Different states have slightly different requirements when it comes to the career of medical assisting. Consequently, if you live in Tennessee, you need to find medical assistant programs in Tennessee because these are more likely to prepare you adequately as per the requirements of that state. Because Tennessee has a fairly large number of options available for students who would like to become medical assistants, it is considered one of the better states to study in. in addition, if you are planning to move to a different state where there are more educational opportunities before you begin your studies, Tennessee is a good option for that as well.
Tennessee is quite a large state and it is the home to a large variety of people. In total there are, at this point in time, about 6.2 million people living in Tennessee. Memphis and Knoxville are the most popular cities in terms of tourism in the state. In addition these two cities, along with Nashville, are very popular areas for medical assistants in training because there are a number of schools available that offer the qualification in theses area. This means that you will be able to benefit from the many attractions that Tennessee’s major cities have to offer (including fine cuisine, wineries, and the arts, culture attractions, heritage towns, old battlefields of the Civil War and many state parks) and you will be have access to a large number of very good medical assistant training schools that the city has on offer. It really is one of the better cities in which to train to become a medical assistant. Naturally there are a number of considerations to keep in mind, but there are also a number of benefits making it an excellent state to study in.
Choosing The Best Program
There are a number of things that you should keep in mind when choosing from the many medical assistant programs in Tennessee:
The first thing that you need to find out is whether or not the program is accredited. The program that you attend must be accredited by one of the following bodies:
- The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP)
- The Accrediting Bureau of Health Education Schools (ABHES)
If the program is not accredited you will be wasting your time and your money because the qualification that you receive will count for nothing.
The next thing that you need to determine is what degree the school is offering and whether or not this is the degree for you. In most cases the schools in Tennessee offer either:
- A certificate program, or
- An associate’s degree program
There are pros and cons to both, depending on your personal situation. Speaking with an admissions counselor at each school will help you determine which program is better for you.
Thirdly you must consider the cost of the school in order to determine whether or not you will be able to afford it. When doing this remember that programs in Tennessee also include many additional expenses such as textbooks. You should also factor in the cost of travelling or accommodation when choosing a school.
You should also look into the convenience of the schedule offered by the school. More and more schools in Tennessee are interested in ensuring that students can be accommodated no matter how flexible their schedule needs to be.
The CMA exam is an important part of becoming a medical assistant. Consequently you should narrow your search to those schools that have high CMA pass rates. To do this, you will need to know students pass the CMA exam form a particular school pass the CMA exam, how those students’ scores compare to the national average and what percentage of graduates from that school find full-time work after they graduate. You want to be certain that you are choosing a school that offers a high pass rate to its students as this indicates that the tuition methods used are excellent in terms of helping you get through the exam. IN addition you want to be prepared for the real world, so the higher percentage of students that are employed as medical assistants after leaving the school, the better the school is at achieving this level of preparation. To summarize:
- Choose programs that offer you a high chance of passing as well as.
- A decent opportunity to find a job in your chosen career once you have graduated.
There are a few other things to look at as well when choosing a school in Tennessee:
- The size of the classes can be an important thing to consider. If a class is too big you will have trouble asking the teacher questions and your needs may be overlooked.
- If the school offers internships, this makes it a better option. There is a lot of practical experience that will be far more valuable to you than simply reading a textbook.
- Additional tutoring offered to students who are struggling in certain areas is also something to look out for in case you need it.
List Of Medical Assistant Programs In Tennessee
Tennessee is one of the states that have more options than most. Consequently, if you live in Tennessee you will have a number of opportunities to find an accredited medical assistant training program that will comprehensively provide you with all of the knowledge you need in order to become an expert in the field. Programs are offered online and offline but all must be appropriately accredited.
Online Medical Assistant Programs
There are a number of online medical assistant programs available. These programs can be completed by anyone from any state. However, as some states tend to have specific requirements for their medical assistants, it is important that you find out what the requirements are in Tennessee particularly before enrolling in an online training program. Choose only those programs that meet Tennessee state requirements as well as your own needs. Some of your options are:
- Kaplan Career Institute
- Vatterott Educational Centers
- Allied Schools
- Ashworth College
- Bryant and Stratton College
- Ultimate Medical Academy
- Grantham University
- Penn Foster Career School
- US Career Institute
Offline Medical Assistant Programs In Tennessee
Although there are many advantages to completing online programs, such as the flexibility of the schedule and the lower cost of tuition, there are also some disadvantages. For example you will not have a lecturer on hand to ask questions to, and you will miss out on valuable learning opportunities through interaction and discussion with other students enrolled in the same program. Consequently there are a number of offline medical assistant programs in Tennessee that are of excellent quality:
- Anthem Career College – Nashville
- Anthem Career College-Memphis
- Chattanooga College Medical Dental and Technical Careers
- Chattanooga State Community College
- Cleveland State Community College
- Daymar Institute
- MedVance Institute – Cookeville
- MedVance Institute – Nashville
- Miller-Motte Technical College- Clarksville
- Miller-Motte Technical College-Chattanooga
- National College of Business and Technology – Bartlett
- National College of Business and Technology-Madison
- National College of Business and Technology-Memphis
- National College of Business and Technology-Nashville
- National College-Bristol
- National College-Knoxville
- National College-Nashville
- Remington College-Memphis Campus
- Remington College-Nashville Campus
- South College
- Tennessee Technology Center at Knoxville
- Virginia College
Best Medical Assistant Programs In Tennessee (According To User Rankings)
The following schools in Tennessee are listed on http://www.bestedsites.com/medical-assistant/tennessee/ from highest to lowest as per the perceptions of users:
- Bethel University, McKenzie, Tennessee
- Concorde Career College-Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee
- Daymar Institute-Nashville, Nashville, Tennessee
- South College, Knoxville, Tennessee
- Tennessee Technology Center at Murfreesboro, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
- Nashville College of Medical Careers, Madison, Tennessee
- Tennessee Technology Center at McMinnville, McMinnville, Tennessee
- Tennessee Technology Center at Knoxville, Knoxville, Tennessee
- Trevecca Nazarene University, Nashville, Tennessee
- West Tennessee Business College, Jackson, Tennessee
- Kaplan Career Institute-Nashville, Nashville, Tennessee
- Daymar Institute-Clarksville, Clarksville, Tennessee
- Miller-Motte Technical College-Clarksville, Clarksville, Tennessee
- National College of Business and Technology-Nashville, Nashville, Tennessee
- Remington College-Memphis Campus, Memphis, Tennessee
- MedVance Institute-Cookeville, Cookeville, Tennessee
- Anthem Career College-Nashville, Nashville, Tennessee
- Vatterott Career College-Memphis Dividend Drive, Memphis, Tennessee
- Daymar Institute-Murfreesboro, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
- Remington College-Nashville Campus, Nashville, Tennessee
- Anthem Career College-Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee
- MedVance Institute-Nashville, Nashville, Tennessee
As compared to several other states, such as Wyoming where there is only one program for medical assistants, Tennessee has a fair number of options available for people who would like to enroll in a medical assistant training program. Not all of the medical assistant programs in Tennessee are as good as each other, and neither do they all cost the same in tuition. You will need to look into the reputation and fees of a school and balance them with your own personal preferences and needs in order to choose the best school in Tennessee for you.