RN Tuition For The Specialty Area Worked In

Registered nurses’ main focus is on patient care, and their duties are shaped by which specialty area they work in. When an RN chooses a specialty area of care, their tasks and responsibilities are much more clearly defined. They hold a position of authority, whether they are working in a hospital, nursing home, clinic or in physician’s rooms. With RN tuition, the student can choose from a host of education options to become a registered nurse. Some hospitals and clinics offer a three year diploma program in nursing; but most registered nurses earn associate degrees or bachelor’s degrees in nursing. Apart from having completed either an associate’s degree in nursing or a bachelor of science degree in nursing, the RN will need to pass the NCLEX-RN certification exam. The American Nurses Association defines certification as a way to determine and measure competency in nurses. The American Nurses Credentialing Center, also known as ANCC is the biggest nurse credentialing organization in the United States, and thousands of nurses have been certified by them.

Students who want to do the RN program should complete prerequisite courses. The prerequisites are Biology, English, statistics, sociology, chemistry, physics and psychology. The actual RN course involves more complex studies into human anatomy, pharmacology and medical science for example. Registered nurses may choose to advance their careers further through more education, and some options include becoming a nurse practitioner or a clinical nurse specialist for instance, and then the registered nurse must earn a master’s degree in nursing.

RN Tuition Requires Passing A Licensing Exam

You will see registered nurses assigning tasks to licensed practical nurses as well as nursing assistants. They are nurses because they want to contribute to helping others towards better health. What sets them aside from other nurses is that they have graduated from a nursing program at a nursing college or university and have passed a licensing exam. Their scope of practice is determined by the regional college or government responsible for health care in the particular region they find themselves in, and they determine what is legal practice for registered nurses and what is not as they perform their daily tasks.

Being a registered nurse requires working long and hard hours, but the RN tuition they have received will stand them in good stead to receive a lucrative salary along with other perks for their hard work.

Accredited RN Tuition

RN TuitionWhen you start looking for a college for your nursing education you will need to take into account things like distance to travel, whether to do a campus based program or online program, and most importantly, whether the college is accredited. There are organizations whose job it is to accredit nursing programs. The National League of Nursing Accrediting Commission, NLNAC, is one, and they review programs offered at different institutions. Attending an accredited school gives you more professional and educational flexibility, as there are some places of employment that will close their doors to you if your training was not done through an accredited program. Everyone wants to know that certain regulations and standards apply, and they have this certainty with accredited RN tuition programs.

How Long Does RN Tuition Take?

The time it takes to become a registered nurse is not set in stone and will sometimes vary according to the person’s previous education and what time they have at their disposal to study. Licensing and regulations will also have an effect on how long it takes to enter the profession.

Online Tuition

There are some people who opt for Online RN Tuition, and there are various online nursing schools that allow you to earn your associate’s degree online and qualify for your RN license. The way it works is that the instructor will post lecture materials as well as assignments to the site and you will then email your assignments to your instructor. There is also always place for students to ask questions as well. The beauty of online studying is that you can be working any time of the day or night that you like.The classes are structured in such a way that within 6 – 8 weeks they should be complete.

Another thing is that online students are most times eligible for the same types of scholarships and financial aid as students enrolled in traditional programs.

There are many online nursing colleges and universities; two well-known ones are:

  • Kaplan University – Programs: MS in Nursing, RN to MS in Nursing, RN to BS in Nursing
  • University of Phoenix – largest private university in North America. Available online in most countries around the world. Try them for your associate’s degree, bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral level. Programs are M.S. in Nursing, MS in Nursing where RN is required and BS in Nursing where RN is required.

So What Does RN Tuition Encompass?

The world is rife with problems, and stress is taking its toll on the health and habits of people, young and old. Drugs are a massive problem today as people seek to escape from illness, unemployment, abuse and trauma. There has never been a better time to consider becoming a registered nurse, particularly with the shortage of good qualified nurses, and a growing population of people in need of health care. Psychiatric nurses help patients who are mentally ill, suffering from mental stress caused by a range of traumatic events. To become a psychiatric nurse, you must first earn a nursing degree.

There are several areas of nursing, and a registered nurse must receive training in several of the basic areas of nursing. Courses to become a registered nurse are found in associate’s and bachelor’s degree programs in nursing.

The Associate Degree in Nursing program prepares students for careers in the medical healthcare field as a registered nurse. The degree can be completed in about two years and students learn basic nursing skills while preparing for the National Council Licensing Examination for Registered Nurses -NCLEX-RN. Those entering into the program must have a high school diploma and some programs will require things like maths to gain access to the major courses offered within an ADN program. Some of the course topics will include:

  • Nursing Pharmacology
  • Health assessment
  • Psychology
  • Clinical nursing
  • Basic nutrition
  • Microbiology
  • Maternity Nursing
  • Medical-Surgical
  • Mental Health……. and others

The Mental Health Registered Nurse

They provide nursing care to mentally ill and disabled patients and are responsible for overseeing all medical and nursing procedures. Some of their duties will include assessing the patient’s psychological and physical condition, carrying out the orders of the physician, carrying out therapeutic treatments, evaluating the patient’s response to treatment, keeping records of findings, and also delegating certain types of care to ancillary nursing personnel.

The minimum RN tuition qualifications are that the nurse possesses a valid Registered Professional Nurse’s License at the time of appointment to the position of mental health registered nurse.

Becoming A Registered Midwife Nurse

They hold a master’s or doctoral degree and provide gynecological and prenatal care. They also assist with delivery of the baby.

A bachelor’s degree in nursing is your ticket for entrance into graduate nursing programs that teach midwifery. The BSN program takes about four years to complete and the nurse will get clinical experience inside and outside of hospitals. Accelerated BSN programs will be much shorter and will generally last 12-18 months. There are a number of nurse-midwifery graduate programs which require the applicant to have a year of clinical experience.

Those with a special interest in midwifery will find that there are a number of universities offering nurse-midwifery programs which are accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Midwifery Education. The Master of Science in Nursing or the Doctor of Nursing Practice awarded for these programs can take about two years to complete.
There are some states that want additional certification for nurse-midwives, and these candidates must have a current RN license and completed a nurse-midwifery master’s or doctoral program accredited by ACME.

What About Financial Help For RN Tuition?

Fortunately private and government options are available to assist students to attend a nursing school. One of the best ways is to fill out the free application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA. Once the application has been filed, a Student Aid Report will be sent to you which will determine the government financial aid you qualify for. AllNursingSchools is a fantastic resource for grants and scholarships, and for more financial aid information, you can visit their website at: http://www.allnursingschools.com/nursing-careers/article/nursing-scholarships-grants


All nursing education includes both classroom instruction and supervised clinical experience in hospitals as well as other health facilities. With the Department of Labor predicting that the number of nurses needed is growing dramatically, the demand for nurses, and particularly registered nurses means a bright job prospect outlook. In spite of there being a demand for nurses, there are only so many that can fill a position, so it makes sense to be the best you can and to invest in your education to give you that edge in the job market. Achieve the RN tuition you need to turn your nursing dreams into reality.

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