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Ambulatory response team members face immense challenges in a fast-paced environment. For a change of career, paramedic knowledge and experience can be used to become a Registered Nurse (RN) by studying through flexible traditional or online learning systems. Paramedic LPN to RN transition options are also available to work toward an Associate of Science in Nursing Degree. To give potential candidates an idea of what options are available this article considers sample educational institutions who advertise the capacity to equip paramedics with career advancements.
John Tyler Community College
The Virginia Community College John Tyler has been in residence for forty years listing man programs for students in the areas of Amelia, Sussex, Petersburg and Colonial Heights
For LPN to RN and Paramedic LPN students, John Tyler offers mandatory orientation sessions in the Fall on the Chester Campus, detailed information can be found on their website. The Nursing Program itself has a degree in applied science available to a student who wishes to become and RN. When the program is completed, the next exam in line is the official state board council of nursing NCSBN’s exam to licence registered nurses or NCLEX.
The Commonwealth of Virginia and general USA are experiencing nursing shortages, applications for nursing programs are increasing. Paramedic LPN students aiming for their RN’s who apply for JTC’s s Nursing Program can be assured that it is fully accredited by the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission and approved by the Virginia Board of Nursing. The program’s graduates are highly sought after by employers.
Since JTC’s program is traditional and the nursing curriculum is demanding it requires outside time commitments to complete coursework requirements. Enrolling in this program means it will be difficult to work full-time so as a result, appropriate lifestyle adjustments will need to be made to accommodate educational goals.
Paramedic LPN candidates are informed in nursing literature that the following factors have been identified to negatively impact a student’s success:
- work 20 or more hours per week
- family responsibilities
- retaking prerequisite courses multiple times, and
- course preparation less
At JTCC, students may enroll in one of two tracks, both of which award a nursing Applied Science degree (associate). The two tracks are the Traditional and Hybrid Track. The Traditional Track is open to all qualified applicants, running 5 semesters in length including the general education requirements. Paramedic LPN to RN candidates are also informed that the nursing sequence is 4 semesters starting with candidate acceptance into the nursing program. This option wont gold class in summer but offers a detailed classroom and in-clinic practicum to assist with preparation for becoming a registered nurse associate. This happens after 4 long semesters of detailed study and physical clinical practice.
The theory portion of all nursing courses are delivered in the classroom by an experienced nursing faculty. Paramedic LPN to RN program additional material can be accessed using the online service which is available outside of class schedule. The practical part in-clinic of each nursing course on the other hand, occurs at multiple clinical agencies in the area. Due to faculty and clinical site availability, flexibility with scheduling is required as clinical activities may include day, evening or weekend hours or a combination of these times and may vary from course to course.
Paramedic LPN to RN and further advancement program candidates are accepted in the fall and spring semesters, with 50-60 students admitted per semester. While the option to study virtually and attend class is available to applicants who are qualified, this lasts 5 semesters and will include generic education criteria.
This nursing sequence is 4 semesters, beginning with acceptance into the nursing program intending to provide educational opportunities to individuals who have their qualification and who cannot physically attend class or for those individuals who are well suited for independent learning. This assists student Paramedic LPN to RN’s to take on the responsibility of the RN after 4 semesters of detailed theoretical material and intensive clinical experiences.
In order to serve this, the choice to go hybrid has an in depth virtual material format. These course materials are delivered via Black-board and a live class session or more to suit the needs of the material. The student taking part in this program will have a residence requirement starting the course as well as in laboratories, facilities and clinics on-site as used by Paramedic LPN to RN students.
In this case, typically, 20-30 students are admitted per semester and must demonstrate a commitment to learning through this technology and motivation to succeed using this instructional format. As a result, Paramedic LPN to RN and other students are required to have the following equipment:
- Hardware that can work with Windows with over 128 megabits of speed
- A browser for Google or any other search engine such as Firefox
- A thousand by over 700 resolution of screen
- HS Internet
- Flash player, Real-Player and Quick-Time
- A pair of headphones which are good quality including a mute option
- Web-cam
Lansing Community College (LCC)
Michigan’s Lansing Community College (LCC) was established in 1957 to fulfill growing demand for both specialized and technical education opportunities for the Greater Lansing’s industrial workforce.
As far as studying further as a paramedic LPN, RN and above, LCC is one of the most comprehensive colleges and is recognized as a local, state, national, and international leader in forging educational partnerships with business, industry, and government to better meet the needs of an ever changing, world wide market place. LCC’s Paramedic Program resumes in the Fall and is widely recognized as one of the strongest in the State of Michigan.
Professor Timothy H. Cooper is the Academic Team Leader at the Emergency Medical Services Programs in charge of offering General Program Information. The Paramedic LPN to RN FAST-TRACK Program is available for current licenced Paramedic LPN’s to pursue a degree as a Registered Nurse. For complete information a Fast-Track Advising Guide may be requested either at the llc.edu website.
Rue Education: Excelsior College
Rue Education assists learners to gain a credit for their future work as a nurse by earning a degree through Excelsior College. Whether from LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) registered nurse, LPN to registered nurse or Paramedic to registered nurse, Rue’s nurse education system offers students online LPN programs to accommodate work and personal lifestyles.
According to statistics, on average, RNs make $33,122 more annually than Paramedics do. Rue Education offers tutor-led online nursing and general education systems as well as traditional offline learning to make the transition from Paramedic to RN. The Institute’s Academic Advisors can be contacted to provide guidance for the various stages of the degree-earning process as relevant candidates wish to progress from Paramedic LPN to RN.
Rue’s support network includes in-house nurse educators and online tutors who work closely with nursing students to provide interactive feedback as they transition from Paramedics to RNs. They guarantee a monthly pass rate that often exceeds 90% ,well above the industry standard.
Grants and financing are available as well as options to get lower monthly payments with an active Paramedic license. With the course, candidates also have a homepage containing an a snapshot, notices and review of the grade. A syllabus is also included which details the sessions and describes the objective for the material and topics at hand.
Paramedic LPN candidates wishing to advance to RN are also supplied with weekly folders to assist in keeping track of work that needs to be done and offers forums for discussion and tests for practice. Online exams for practice are also available, which will supply a response immediately detailing what was overlooked and assists to highlight areas needing more intensive focus.
Rue’s online tutors are field experts in the course material and in-house nurse educators are easy to contact in regard to answering material content queries. Paramedic LPN to RN and other relevant candidates can make use of Rue’s mentorship program, a nursing discussion board which is monitored. The discussion room consists of posts from licensed practical, registered and paramedic nurses aimed for their RN qualification.
The tailored Rue study system offers study textbook guides which focus only on the most important content, with references to answers and guides for review exam materials.
Advisors offer the following support advice for Paramedic LPN and other course modules:
- Use the time at hand well and balance existing commitments
- Set plans for the day, week months and draw up a time-line.
- Employ strategies to manage time
- Use tips for studying
- Guidelines to deal with test nerves
- Goal setting
- How to manage stresses